Babies and Preschoolers
DynaMites Music (WED 9:30AM; During SCHOOL TERM)
DynaMites is a musical playgroup for children aged 0-5 with their carers - mums, dads, nannies, grandmas, grandpas - all are welcome. We have fun singing, dancing, playing percussion instruments, hearing a Bible story and singing songs with the parachute. Music is followed by morning tea outside on the grass.
9:30am Music | 10:00am Morning Tea
Sunday Mornings
Little Sparks and Preschool Church (DURING THE 9:45AM Service)
Little Sparks is for people aged 1-2 years, and Preschool Church is for 3-5 years. We start the 9:45AM service all together, and after about 10-15 minutes, parents are invited to take their kids downstairs to Little Sparks and Preschool Church. We have fun together hearing a Bible story, eating and playing. You are welcome to stay with your child, or you can leave them in the hands of our experienced team who are well trained and compliant with our Safe Ministry Policy.