Christianity Explored


Christianity Explored is a course that explores the life, teaching and ministry of the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ. Over 7 weeks you will read a biographical account of Jesus’ life – the gospel of Mark, and have the opportunity explore who Jesus is, what is his mission and what it means to follow him. Each session involves an exploration of a bible passage, a short talk, and group discussion.

Time: 7pm-9pm with a free dinner included. 

Where: St Marks Freshwater Downstairs Hall. 

Our next 7 week course will commence Monday 5th August. 

Sign Up HERE

For more info, check out the Christianity Explored  website

Common Questions:

Who is Christianity Explored for?
Christianity Explored is for anyone who wants to investigate Christianity informally with a group of other people. Whether you have previous experience of church, christians and the Bible, or none at all, this is for you. Everyone is welcome – from the most sympathetic believer to the convinced atheist. We will respect your background, culture and beliefs. Tell us as little or as much about yourself as you feel comfortable.

What usually happens each night?
A meal is provided at the start of the evening (7pm), so don’t worry if you have to come straight from work. Christianity Explored is normally run in several groups of six to nine people, and after briefly discussing the material from the week before, there is a video on the theme for that week. Then the groups discuss any questions that have arisen, and the evening ends at 9pm. Of course, if you’d like, you’re welcome to stick around a bit longer to discuss any further issues you might have. And you can ask any question you want, at any time during the night.

How much does it cost? Its free. 

Can I pull out if I want to? Of course you can. Come for a night and see if its right for you.