St Marks partners with missionaries dedicated to spreading the Good News of Jesus and helping people in need within Australia and around the world.
Anchor RE
Our support of this ministry enables Anchor RE to employ paid Special Religious Education teachers at Mackellar Girls' High School, Balgowlah Boys' High and Manly Selective High School. As a result, each week hundreds of teenagers are helped to grow in knowledge of God, Christ, the Bible and their faith.
Freshwater Surf Life Saving CLUB Chaplaincy
St Marks is committed to supporting the local SLSC chaplain, Andrea Bohm. We ask God to work through Andrea as she supports the many club volunteers. We also pray for the club members she serves.
Northern Beaches Hospital Chaplaincy
As a church, St Marks prayerfully supports Libby Janssen, the Anglicare Chaplain at Northern Beaches Hospital. Libby ministers to patients and their families as they negotiate the hard times associated with illness and injury. She is also available to provide spiritual and emotional support to hospital staff. If you or someone you know needs spiritual support while at Northern Beaches Hospital she would love to hear from you.
St Marks supports the Langmeads serving with Bush Church Aid (BCA) in Lightning Ridge. We regularly pray for the congregation at Lightning Ridge Community church and Kurt, Bec, June, Arthur, Lydia, Jeremiah and Timothy as they seek to share Christ with their community.
St Marks CMS link missionaries are Pedro and Joy Oliveira-Woolmer. They work with university students to encourage and equip them to stand firm in the faith and speak boldly about Jesus despite hostility towards Christianity in Uruguay. They have a son, Mark, and two girls, Zoe and Emilia.
Pato & Dagmar Oyarzun IN CHILE
Pato leads a church plant in Vina del Mar, Chile. We are regular prayer supporters of this church plant. It has been exciting to partner in the establishment of this church over the years, including the founding of a second congregation in a neighbouring suburb in 2018. Pato and Dagmar have four children; Rocio, Estela, Trini & Pablo.